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The answers to the BIG questions you're desperate to ask! 

How big is the boat?

​It's about 23ft long, 6ft wide. There's a cabin at one end that's roughly the size of a two-man tent - this is where we'll

sleep. There's a smaller cabin at the bow where we can store kit. The open section in the middle is where we row -

completely open to the elements.

How long will it take?

Well this is the $64million question! It depends a lot on the weather. Many a strong crew have set to sea with ambitions to break speed records, but a storm hits and it's a game changer. So we'd like to row round in about 50 days, but the journey is extremely perilous so getting round safely is our first priority. 

What do you eat?

Many teams choose to take dehydrated ration packs because they're light, convenient and high in calories. Ideally we'd need to

be eating approximately 6000 calories a day so a good proportion of our food stores will be dehydrated. You can take whatever

food you like though, just imagine it's like camping, but at sea. So we'll probably take some treat chocolate and sweets, and some savoury snacks. Sally's a big fan of canned fruit so no doubt a couple of tins will make it onto the boat.

How do you go to the toilet?

There's two methods really - bucket and chuck it, or dangle over the side - it really depends on the fit out of the boat.With secure lines down the side it's more hygienic and easier to dangle. Without something to safely hold on to then it's a bucket! 

Please email us if you have a question and we'll do our best to answer it! 

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